Controller Helper Traits

This library includes two helper traits that can be used by controllers that return PSR-7 ResponseInterface objects.


The Caridea\Http\MessageHelper trait makes sending typical HTTP responses a little easier. It has a few methods of note.

Working with the Message Body


The getParsedBodyArray method coerces the return value of the \Psr\Http\Message\ServerRequestInterface::getParsedBody method into an array.

$body = $this->getParsedBodyArray($request);
// $body will always be an array


The write method simply coerces a value to a string, writes it to the response body, and then returns the response.

// do this:
return $this->write($response, $body);

// instead of:
$response->getBody()->write((string) $body);
return $response;



The ifModSince method checks the If-Modified-Since header, maybe sending 304 Not Modified.

$lastMod = strtotime("-1 day");
$response = $this->ifModSince($request, $response, $lastMod);
if ($response->getStatusCode() != 304) {
    // assemble and write the response body
return $response;


The ifNoneMatch method checks the If-None-Match header, maybe sending 304 Not Modified.

$etag = "foobar";
$response = $this->ifNoneMatch($request, $response, $etag);
if ($response->getStatusCode() != 304) {
    // assemble and write the response body
return $response;


  • redirect – Sets the status, sends the Location header, and returns the response.
  • paginationFactory – Returns a new Caridea\Http\PaginationFactory (see chapter three)


The Caridea\Http\JsonHelper trait makes sending JSON responses a little easier. It has a few methods of note.

Typical JSON Payloads

Generally speaking, the results of a REST GET request should be either an object or an array.


The sendJson method encodes a value as JSON, sets the appropriate Content-Type header, writes the value to the response body, and returns the response.

$payload = [
    'foo' => 'bar',
    'items' => [
        1, 2, 3,
$this->sendJson($response, $payload);


The sendItems method encodes an iterable value as a JSON array, sets the appropriate Content-Type header, sets a Content-Range header with appropriate pagination details, writes the value to the response body, and returns the response.

The value in the Content-Range header is of the format items x-y/z, where x is the offset, y is the index of the last item returned, and z is the total number of available items. (This Content-Range output is compatible with Dojo Toolkit's dojox.rpc.Rest class, and dstore's Rest adapter.)

In this example, let's say there are 5 total records, but the user has specified they want 3 items with an offset of 2.

$pagination = new \Caridea\Http\Pagination(3, 2);
$total = 5;
$items = ['foo', 'bar', 'baz'];
$output = $this->sendItems($response, $items, $pagination, $total);

The Content-Range header would have the value of items 2-4/5.

CRUD Operations

There are several methods to be used by REST endpoints that perform operations, such as POST, DELETE, and PUT.

These methods send a JSON output to the client in the format (where %s is some past-tense verb):

    "success": true,
    "message": "Objects %s successfully",
    "objects": [
            "type": "foo",
            "id": "bar"

All of these methods delegate to sendVerb, which accepts the placeholder verb, the PSR-7 ResponseInterface, the entity type, a list of entity identifiers, and an optional associative array of additional entries to include in the serialized object.

  • sendCreated – Sets the message to Objects created successfully (and sets the HTTP status code to 201 Created)
  • sendDeleted – Sets the message to Objects deleted successfully
  • sendUpdated – Sets the message to Objects updated successfully